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CORAL Collection

Concepts in Online Resources for Accelerated Learning

Welcome to the CORAL Collection

The CORAL Collection is a set of materials designed for education committee members, course and program directors, and dedicated teachers at every level. These Cells will help people learn some of the most important concepts and principles in medical education so that they collectively and individually may make more informed and we hope better educational decisions at the policy, curriculum, and course levels and in the teaching and learning contexts in which they work.

"Learning some of the most important concepts and principles in medical education."

Each Cell is short, discrete, and designed to help you learn. Each Cell has an introduction, one to three objectives, self-assessments, a section to present the material, practice questions with expert responses, an evaluation so we can get better, references and further reading, and a concept map showing related Cells. There are three ways to find Cells of interest: by grouping, alphabetically, or by glossary. Learn more about how to navigate in each Cell.

Start Here

Understanding the central purpose of teaching (CPT), the main and singular goal of teaching, along with the implications, will allow us to be more intentional about our teaching, to identify and distinguish between more effective and less effective teaching, and to improve by keeping the end in mind. 


Groups of Related Cells

● Activities (of a program)
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 1: Purpose and Parts
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 2: Creating and Using

● Apply
Surface and Deep Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy: The Cognitive Domain

● Adoption
Change: Adoption, Implementation, Institutionalization

● Assessment
Formative and Summative Assessment
Methods of Assessment: An Introduction

● Atmosphere
Learning Environment and Climate
Effective Feedback

● Change
Change: Adoption, Implementation, Institutionalization
Resistance to change: Friend, not Foe

● Climate
Learning Environment and Climate
Effective Feedback

● Cognitive load
Prior Learning and Cognitive Load

● Cramming
Surface and Deep Learning

● Deep Learning
Surface and Deep Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy: The Cognitive Domain

● Environment
Learning Environment and Climate

● Fidelity of Change
Change: Adoption, Implementation, Institutionalization

● Inputs
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 1: Purpose and Parts
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 2: Creating and Using

● Interprofessionals
Interprofessional Problem Based learning
Small Group Learning

● Leadership
Resistance to Change: Friend, not Foe

● Logic models
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 1: Purpose and Parts
Logic Models for Program Evaluation 2: Creating and Using

● Memorizing
Surface and Deep Learning

● Motivation
The Central Purpose of Teaching
Resistance to Change: Friend, not Foe
Surface and Deep Learning

● Objectives/Outcomes
Writing Learning Objectives/Outcomes
Bloom's Taxonomy: The Cognitive Domain
Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Affective Domain

● Remember
Surface and Deep Learning
Remember, Understanding, and Problem-Solving: Bloom's Taxonomy in the Cognitive Domain

● Stakeholders
Resistance to Change: Friend, not Foe.

● Understand
Surface and Deep Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy: The Cognitive Domain

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Fax: 706 - 721 - 9458

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