May 13, 2024 (10:58:01 AM)
- Keywords/Reserved Words:
- words defined by the C# language and used for one thing
- Datatypes:
- categories in C# used to define types of values, such as strings
- Variable:
- values that be changed
- Constant:
- values that can not be changed
- Identifier:
- words defined by the programmer to refer to an object or variable.
- Operations:
- Operators:
- symbols used to perform operations
- Modulo:
used to divide two numbers and return the remainder - Escape Sequence:
- used to represent a non-printable character
- Reference Types (Objects and Strings):
- a variable of a class object holds a reference to the address of the object on the managed heap.
- Value Types (all other reserved words):
- a variable of a class object stores the exact data value held by the variable
- Numeric Types:
- Booleans:
- a binary datatype that can only be true or false
Structures (if
- Instantiation (instance of a class):
- the act of creating a object, an instance of a C# class
- Initialization:
- the act of both declaring a variable’s datatype and identifier and assigning it value
- Declaration:
- the act of creating a variable’s datatype and identifier
- Assignment:
- the act of giving a value to an identifier
- Implicit Conversion:
- the act of automatically storing the value of one identifier into another identifier that differs from its own
- Explicit Conversion (casting):
- the act of storing the value of one identifier into another identifier that differs from its own using additional syntax
- Rules:
- are required syntactical ways to write a program for it to function Conventions:
- are not required for the program to function, but are heavily encouraged for the readability and comprehension of other programmers
- Format Specifiers (C, N, P, E):
- added to variable calls in strings to format the numeric variable in various ways (see link for specifics)
- Constructor:
- a method used to instantiate an object and assign it’s attributes
- Parameter:
- any variable declared within a method
- Argument:
- any value that must passed to a method in order for it to be called
- Attribute:
- the variables declared within a class to act as the characteristics of any of its instantiated object
- Method:
- a code block that contains a series of statements
- Class Member (attributes and methods):
- anything defined within a class that can be access within and outside of the class
- Scope:
- Time and place in program where the variable exists
- Iterator:
- an object that traverses an array or list
- Sentinel Value:
- a special value in the context of an algorithm which uses its presence as a condition of termination, typically in a loop or recursive algorithm.
- Guard Condition:
- boolean expressions (predicates) found at the top of a method or function that determine whether the function should continue to execute.
- Accumulator:
- Counter:
- a variable used to count the number of times a certain condition is met
- Complex Condition:
- a condition consisting of multiple conditions
- Method Signature:
- the way a computer reads a method by its name and the datatype of its parameters
- Method Overloading:
- the act of creating multiple methods with the same signature
- Return Type:
- the datatype of any value returned from a called method
- UML Diagram:
- a written diagram used to display a class and all of its members
- Input Validation:
- whenever a program checks if the user gave a usable input and responds accordingly to avoid errors implementation