Water Chemistry

CHEM 4130

Fall 2016



Test two will be in November 10.  It will cover Chapters 3 & 4 in your text.


Our next set of topics is water treatment.    This will somewhat follow your text.


On November 17 (Next Thursday!!) We will be meeting at the Highland Avenue water plant (corner of Highland and Central) for a class tour.  I actually have it scheduled to start at 9:30 am.  Don’t be late!


On November 29 (Tuesday after Thanksgiving), our guest speaker will be Margaret Doss from the Columbia County Water Utility.  Please be respectful.  This includes being on-time (or early), paying attention and asking good questions.  She is a potential future employer…make nice!


Don’t forget that your water reports are due after Thanksgiving. You might want to start making graphs and thinking about your presentations.   Plan on speaking December 1.


For your class project you will need to choose a body of water (surface water) to sample/monitor throughout the semester.  Criteria:

                •Safe and legal to access


                •Unique (not being used by another student)

                •Permanent (not something that will dry up before December)

                •Untreated (i.e., not tap water)


Another class theme will be the water crisis in Flint, MI. Your first reading is from Chemical and Engineering News.


You can get some class extra credit (15 points) for participating in an authorized public outreach activity. I will email you information for such events as I become aware of them.  If you do more than 1 event: 15 for the first; 10 for the second; 5 pts for the third.  You cannot earn points for both Water Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis.              



        Homework will be posted with a link that is its due date. Homework should look professional!  Points may be deducted for an unprofessional submission.  Assignments without a name will not be graded.  Late assignments will have a 25% penalty.  Assignments more than 3 calendar days late will NOT be accepted. If you haven’t learned from the first assignment, these are not the kind of thing you can do the night before.  Many of the problems you can START NOW!



3 November

3 November—solutions


Some Professional criteria (not exhaustive):


                   Calculations are generally better if NOT typed and IN pencil, but that is no excuse for not being able to tell the difference between a 4 and a 9!  Write large enough that old eyes only need reading glasses, not a magnifying class.

          •Clearly labeled

                   Don’t rewrite the question, but do make sure that the question is numbered consistent with the assignment.

          •Sufficient white space

                   Don’t try to squeeze everything. This makes it less readable.  Use more paper; it’s ok!


                   Both in how you answer and the order you submit the questions.

          •Multiple pages are stapled together




Important Documents:


        Course Syllabus


        environmental monitoring project resources

                Georgia Adopt-a-Stream Manual

                ANZ field sampling manual


        Normality Primer



        Spectroscopy Primer
