CSCI 3410 - Database Systems Lecture Notes


You will find here the draft of the lecture notes used to teach CSCI 3410 - Database Systems Lecture Notes at Augusta University. This document contains:

If you are interrested in contributing to this document, you can consult the CONTRIB file. A list of bugs and the detailed license can also be consulted.


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When in doubt, simply pick the pdf version.


As of August 2022, the main author of those notes (Dr. Aubert) is not scheduled to teach CSCI 3410 - Database Systems in the forseeable future. As a result, those notes are archived. An archived version is available at, and the source code is at

Please, also note that pandoc-include-code and pandoc-numbering, required to compile those notes, are not compatible with the current version of pandoc (cf. the instructions). As a result, compiling those notes will require increasing version tinkering.


Those lecture notes are supported by an Affordable Learning Georgia Round 13 "Mini-Grant for Ancillary Materials Creation and Revision" (Proposal M71).

The source code is graciously hosted by Rocketgit.