Buffie Schmidt, MBA, Ed.S.
Algood Hall (AH) E130
email: bschmidt@augusta.edu
office: (706) 667-4535
text: (706) 680-6123

Course Policies




All Sections:

  • Students earn grades, the professor merely keeps score.
  • Augusta University Student Conduct
  • Lab/Email: Check email and Lab Announcements DAILY.
  • Syllabus: Read the ENTIRE syllabus. Students are responsible for everything within the syllabus.
  • Professor Website: Read all webpages pertaining to registered course.
  • Keeping Pace with Due Dates: Students are responsible for their own time management. Recommended pacing is provided in the course schedule. A lack of time management on the part of the student does not constitute an emergency on the part of the professor.

Hybrid Sections:

  • Cell phones will be confiscated if they are heard or otherwise cause a distraction.


All Sections:

  • Deadlines: Deadlines are NEVER extended on an individual basis except as outlined in the course syllabus.
    • Students should email professor and ask for an extension if a tragic or unusual event has occured and you do not mind providing paperwork that is verifiable.
    • "Tragic or unusual" is defined as something that reasonably prevented you from completing course work for more than 5-7 consecutive days, and that is unlikely to occur to someone else in the course this semester.
  • Annoucements and Course Information can be found in:
    • D2L: During first week of classes.
    • Pearson Lab: Second week of class and forward.
      • Read them DAILY.
  • Grades:
    • Can be challenged for up to ONE WEEK after they are returned.
    • Individual grades can be viewed in the Pearson Lab.
    • Official overall grades are in professor's gradebook and are calculated based on points.
  • The Add/Drop Period for students is a period at the beginning of each semester (typically the first 2-3 days of classes) that allows students to adjust their schedule for the semester. During this period, students may add or drop classes without a withdrawal (W) showing on their transcript.
  • Withdraw: Students wishing to withdraw must complete the necessary paperwork themselves. See my Withdrawal Info. webpage for more information.
  • Testing & Disability: Paperwork must be received within the FIRST WEEK of classes in order to provide accomodations.


All Sections:

  • All students are required to register in the Pearson Lab Environment and complete the syllabus orientation quiz before the Attendance Drop Date. Otherwise, the student will be dropped in accordance with Augusta University's policies and required to register for the course during the next available semester.
    • The Attendance Drop Date (typically 5-7 days after the start of classes) is the date after which students will be dropped by the Registrar from courses which they have not yet attendend.
    • The Course Code ID needed for registration will be posted in D2L after the last day of the Drop/Add Period (typically the 4th day of classes).
  • Augusta University and Hull College of Business Attendance Policies:
    •          "Regular, punctual attendance is expected of students in all classes at Augusta University and is counted from the first class meeting each term. Professors are required to monitor student attendance or ongoing participation in courses. Students who incur an excessive number of absences are subject to academic penalty. Additional attendance requirements may be established by the individual schools or programs at Augusta University as well as by the faculty for distance learning courses.
              "At the beginning of each semester, all professors will provide a clear written statement to all their classes regarding their policies in handling absences. Professors will also be responsible for counseling with their students regarding the academic consequences of absences from their classes or laboratories. Students are obligated to adhere to the requirements of each course and each course professor.
              "To assist the University in complying with federal regulations pertaining to financial aid, faculty members are also required to maintain a record of and report student non-attendance at the start of each academic term. The Vice Provost is responsible for informing faculty of the duration of the nonattendance verification period and appropriate reporting method at the beginning of each academic term. In accordance with this policy, a student who does not attend a class or begin participation in an online course during the non-attendance verification period will be dropped from the course by the professor unless they have contacted their professor and notified them of their reason for non-attendance. In the event a student is dropped for non-attendance during this designated time period, the effect is the same as if the student never registered for the class and the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.
              "Professors will be flexible enough in their attendance and grading policies to allow students a reasonable number of absences without penalty for extraordinary personal reasons or for officially representing the university. However, if the student has been absent for more than the equivalent of 10 percent of class time, regardless of cause, then the professor may withdraw the student from the class for excessive absences.
              "It is important to note that the instructor may—or may not—withdraw a student from class based upon attendance. No student should assume that the instructor has initiated the withdrawal form. A student not withdrawn from a course who stops attending class (or who never attends class) is subject to receiving a grade of WF or F for the course."
    • Please reference the Attendance Policy Section in the Augusta University Student Manual for further details.


"Education is the greatest power you can possess."

The most important factors for success in my courses are:

Time Management   •   Responsibility   •   Prioritization

Be Informed:  Read the syllabus completely. Check course announcements daily.

Be Present:  Attend class every time it meets.

Be Diligent:  Compare your calendars (e.g. personal, work, children's, and any other calendar)
    against the course schedule. Notify professor of any conflicts in plenty of time to make
    arrangements for missed assignments. Organization can be a blessing and a curse, but it is a
    requirement for the achievement of one's goals.

Be Prepared:  Read the chapter prior to class. Arrive _________ and ready to discuss the material.
                                 **Fill in blank with: excited/enthusiastic/curious/intrigued/questioning/etc.

Be Open Minded:  Your world is not the only world that exists, the only way things are done, or the only correct solutions.

Be Precise:  Concentrate, reflect, ponder, become intellectual on at least one topic, and be meticulous about your life's goals.

Be Persistent:  Strive to understand. Endure any hardship. Do not give up.

After all, we're all adults here. Right?

I will not:  Talk to your parents, accept excuses for late assignments, make an exception for you
    that I would not make for others, provide you with individualized extra credit that is not open to
    all students, change the grade that you have earned up/down by 1 or 1/2 a point.

I will also not:  Expect less from you than you are capable of doing, require more of you than you
    do with concerted effort, ask you definition based questions that insult your intelligence, waste
    your time with assignments that do not lead to learning, settle for less than mild retention of the
    material, assume you are average, expect you to like me prior to your 'light bulb moment.

Don't Be:  Distracted/distracting, disrespectful, hesitant, inconsistent, one-sided, uniformed,
    passive, average (after all - you are not).

I know you are/can be (or you wouldn't be here):  Talented, creative, passionate, thoughtful, analytical, curious, perceptive,
    motivated, eager, dedicated, responsible, confident, knowledgeable, focused, conscientious,
    independent, resilient.